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Horse Saddle for Sale is family owned and operated since 1999. Our motto is "We will do whatever we can do to make you happy!" Did you know that the first saddles were invented around 3000 BC? The first saddles were solid and quite heavy. The front part of the horse saddle was called the pommel and the rear part, the cantle It is believed that horses, through their movements, help relieve tensions in the human body Horses spend about 3/4 of their waking hours eating is family owned and operated since 2016. is a family owned and operated business since 2016. We are proud to offer our customers the highest quality equestrian products at low prices, including saddles, bridles, bits and more!

Our motto is "We will do whatever we can do to make you happy!" We want you to have an enjoyable experience while shopping on our website or making an order through e-mail or telephone support.

See also: How to clean and care for your Saddle?

We want to make sure that our customers are happy with their purchase. If you have any questions about our products, please feel free to contact us at or give us a call at  +1-315-332-1415.

Our motto is "We will do whatever we can do to make you happy!"

We are proud of our customer service. We have been in business since 1999 and have over 2,000 satisfied customers. If you have any questions or concerns about any aspect of your order, please feel free to contact us at anytime.

We know that horses are expensive animals and we want to make sure that you are completely satisfied with your purchase!

We are committed to providing the highest quality products at the best prices. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We value your business and want to make sure that you are completely satisfied with your purchase!

Did you know that the first saddles were invented around 3000 BC?

Did you know that the first saddles were invented around 3000 BC? The Mesopotamians were the first people to use saddles, which helped them carry their goods. They often used these wooden frames as seats and backs for carrying heavy loads such as food supplies or baskets of grain.

The earliest evidence of horseback riding comes from ancient Egypt where they used oxen-drawn carriages instead of horses (as they did in other cultures). However, it wasn't until the Roman Empire that people began using horses for transportation on land because they needed more speed than could be achieved by oxen pulling wagons together with wheels attached underneath them like a cart would be today

The front part of the saddle was called the pommel and the rear part, the cantle.

The front part of the saddle horse was called the pommel and the rear part, the cantle. The word pommel comes from a German word that means "rear point". You'll also see this term used in reference to other types of horse saddles such as Western style, English or Irish saddles.

The cantle is located at the back end of your horse's hindquarters and connects directly with their withers (the top of their shoulders).

Horse Saddle

The cantle provides a comfortable place for you to rest your upper body and helps balance the rider. The pommel of the saddle is usually wider than the cantle and generally has a horn attached to it. The horn is an extension on either side of the saddle that helps support you when riding

It is believed that horses, through their movements, help relieve tensions in the human body.

As we all know, horses are good for your health. It is believed that horses, through their movements, help relieve tensions in the human body. Horses also help you sleep better and stay fit because of their natural ability to relax your muscles.

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Horses can be used as an effective way of relaxing when you need some time alone or just want to take a break from work or other activities that require a lot of focus and concentration. In addition to being able to relax yourself physically through exercise with your horse companion, they can also help bring balance back into your life if there is something bothering you mentally or emotionally at home or work - such as stress caused by deadlines looming over head at work; financial problems due lack of funds needed for bills; relationship problems due lack of communication between loved ones who live far away from each other (as well as those who live nearby).

Did you know that horses are the only animals with a single toe?

Horses are the only animals with a single toe that is not split into two toes. The reason for this is simple: it would be difficult for those animals to move around on their feet if they had multiple toes. In fact, many scholars believe that all hoofed mammals evolved from a common ancestor who had four or five toes at first—and then lost two off their front feet due to evolution over time.

Horses are not the only animals with a single toe. Other creatures that share this trait include zebras, pigs, rhinos and camels. Pigs have two toes on each foot; zebras have three toes in front and one in back; while rhinos have two split into three toes per foot.

A horse's hooves are made of keratin which is similar to human fingernails.

The hooves of a horse are made of keratin, which is similar to human fingernails. Keratin is a protein that makes up the outer covering of many animals' bodies, including our own fingernails.

The hoof is a specialized structure found only on equine members of the Perissodactyla order, which includes horses and rhinos. The keratin that forms the hoof wall also makes up much of the horn on other animals, such as cattle.

In fact, horses have 99 bones in each foot!

It's important to know the bones of a horse, as they provide support and protection for the hoof. The bones are made up of calcium phosphate, which is like a hard shell around the inside of each bone. They are connected to muscles by tendons and ligaments (connective tissue), which allow them to function properly when standing or walking. They also connect directly with their skin using cartilage over their joints, allowing for flexibility in movement. Finally, arteries supply blood through small holes called foramen on each side of each bone so that oxygen can be exchanged between body tissues and offered up through tiny channels called capillaries located within these holes; this process results in what we call "warmth" when we feel warmth slightly below our skin surface area—in other words: feeling good!

The bones of a horse are similar to human bones, but they are much larger. The horse has approximately 360 bones in its body. These include:

It takes approximately 50 muscles to make a horse's ear wiggle.

It takes approximately 50 muscles to make a horse's ear wiggle. A human has only one muscle in their ear, which is located in the outer part of their head and is used for balance when they walk or run.

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The reason why horses' ears are so expressive is because they have so many muscles; these muscles allow them to move their ears as much as they want without hurting themselves or causing injury to other parts of the body.

Another reason why horses' ears are so expressive is because they have a very large surface area. The area of the horse's ear is approximately 16 square inches; this means that more skin can be moved around without hurting any other parts of the body.

There are over 100 breeds of horses in the world today.

The most common breeds include:

  • Arabians
  • Appaloosas (also known as quarter horse)
  • Arabians/Appaloosas/Shire horses

Most breeders will tell you that each breed has its own unique personality and characteristics, but this is not always accurate. For example, some people believe that Appaloosas are descended from horses used by Native Americans for hunting or transportation purposes, while others believe they were bred by Europeans during colonial times when settlers began settling in North America more than 200 years ago.

Horses spend about 3/4 of their waking hours eating.

Horses are grazing animals and need to eat about 10 pounds of hay per day. They usually eat two meals a day, which is called "feeding." The first meal is usually eaten at around noon, when the sun is highest in the sky. The second meal will be eaten during the evening hours after sunset and before sunrise.

Horses also need water to stay hydrated because they don't sweat like humans do—they only sweat through their skin (called “sweat glands”). This means that if you leave your horse out in hot weather for too long without giving them water or shade, then his body temperature could rise above normal levels causing him discomfort and dehydration!

We offer a wide variety of saddles for all your riding needs.

We offer a wide variety of saddles for all your riding needs. Our inventory includes the finest brands, such as Ariat, Justin by Espinoza and many more. We have an extensive selection of saddles to choose from as well as a wide variety of tack and accessories including halters and lead ropes. You can rest assured that you will find what you need at!

We are committed to providing you with the highest quality products, customer service and support. We strive to offer you the best prices available while maintaining our high standards of excellence.


We hope you have enjoyed this brief introduction to the history of horse saddles. We are confident that our selection of saddle products will suit your needs and be a great addition to your riding experience. Our goal is to make sure that every customer has a positive experience when shopping with us, and we look forward to hearing from you!

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